Final event scores and rankings for the Hoang Ninja Warrior along with Commissioner Phi’s recap and final observations. Notables: The elimination of the outdoor events forced the Commissioners to rearrange the scoring system. You’ll notice
Everyone expected the world’s best Ultimate Disc players Nick or Cuy Hoang to win the Frisbee Accuracy Challenge with ease. But it was a darkhorse athlete who won this challenge. Philip Phu Hoang edged Nick and Cuy to win the event. Phu has natural
The first event of the 2016 Hoang Ninja Warrior was the football accuracy event. All the Hoangs can throw the football really well. Dan Hoangbeski showed off his arm strength by breaking Cuy’s target netting. The female Hoangs scored really high poi
This year, 2015 Hoang Ninja Warrior athletes are asked to submit their training videos in advanced of the 2015 Hoang Ninja Warrior event. There is a possibility these training videos will be reviewed and scored by the event’s owners, Y and LeHai Hoa
Philip Phu Hoang wins the 2014 Hoang Ninja Warriors tournament by a narrow margin. Dan Hoangbeski came in 2nd place. Here, Phu receives the trophy from commissioner Yvonne Hoangbeski.
Philip Phu Hoang wins the inaugural 2014 Hoang Ninja Warriors tournament by a narrow margin. Dan Hoangbeski came in 2nd place. Here, Phu receives the trophy from commissioner Yvonne Hoangbeski. MILPITAS – The indoor event started with
By news anchor Dan Patrick MILPITAS – The indoor event started with the Airplane Distance event. Using their engineering and design talents, the contestants built their own paper airplanes. Philip Phu Hoang and Dan Hoang-Gabenski fin